electronic commerce

It made me proud that a part of this article was broadcast on Young Radio in Kavoshgar program, we wanted to put the full version of the article here:

E-commerce in Iran refers to two terms that have been distinguished between developed countries, one of which is e-commerce, which has the same lexical translation as e-commerce, and the other is e-business, which in fact Must be translated e-business.

These two terms are different in nature, and perhaps it is better to say that e-commerce is a topic that is at the heart of e-business.

Both e-business and e-commerce are related to computer networks and use network-based applications such as the Internet and local area network, or a combination of the two, and are based on the electronic exchange of data. Both terms also mean improving business relationships.

E-commerce is the outer shell of this electronic state that is visible to customers, sellers, suppliers and their foreign partners. And topics such as sales, marketing, ordering and order delivery to the customer, after-sales service, purchase of raw materials and equipment for production, purchase for indirect factors such as equipment required by the company, which must be accompanied by a new model for business Replace jobs so they can increase revenue or eliminate some of the revenue from new competitors!

Implementing e-commerce seems simple because it does not have more than three integration models:

– Integration of sales transactions through web-based sales terminals

– Parallel integration of the company’s business with the websites of customers, suppliers and intermediaries as a web-based market

– Relative integration of technology with the traditional field of ordering, purchasing and after-sales service


e-business encompasses all aspects of e-commerce, but in addition, it has strong oversight of internal matters such as production, inventory management, product development, risk management, assets, knowledge management and human resources.

The e-business strategy is more complete and focuses more on internal processes, helping to store the company’s assets and improve efficiency and production.


Implementing e-business is also more difficult than implementing e-commerce and is based on four principles:

First: Integrate the data layer in the background and the web as the interface

Second: Creating integration between the company and customers, business partners, suppliers or intermediaries

Third: Integrate human resource planning (ERP), customer relationship management (CRM), knowledge management and supply chain management system

And fourth, investing in the integration of new technologies to redesign business processes


Finally, e-business has lower costs, higher efficiency and higher profits.

In today’s world, companies must have a plan for e-commerce (in the meantime, governments may have a national e-plan), and in the meantime, networks, especially the Internet, play a major role.

But large corporations have moved on to e-business, and companies that have completed their human resource planning have achieved many of the great benefits of e-commerce, although it is unlikely that they will. They have also experienced some organizational pain, such as the initial incompatibilities between electronic data interchange systems (EDI) and human resource planning (ERP) systems, supply chain management, and e-commerce. And all of this allows companies to gain enough knowledge and experience for processes, redesigns, and integrations, and to move toward greater success.

Coordination between organizational barriers and e-business still has many problems, and the changes ahead cause divisions among managers. Accepting the amount of risk and the possibility of failure or low success has made e-commerce more popular than e-business strategies.

Having a carbald leader can play an important role in the amount of position, but the high percentage of ester and the existence of different types of business will cause damage in the short term.

Wise companies may launch e-business processes such as CRM, ERP, supply chain management and e-commerce separately before integration, because integrating them all at once can sometimes be catastrophic.


And statistics and reports:

Well, there is no doubt that the world’s largest companies must have e-business on their agenda, and in fact their success can be a reason for the success of e-bussiness, but the fact is that statistically more information than e-commerce It is available, although in the meantime Iran is still suffering from statistical poverty and accurate information on the success rate of e-commerce is not available.

But globally, Amazon can be considered the new e-commerce world with a profit of $ 34 billion a year. Google is next with $ 30 billion a year and ebay with $ 9 billion a year.

But according to selz.com, 71% of shoppers prefer Internet sites to stores, 80% of Internet users have bought from the Internet at least once and 50% more than once.

36% of buyers spend at least half an hour before shopping to check the goods, 99 million buyers have bought at least once by mobile device, 47% of online purchases have free shipping, 44% of buyers search from search engines Begin the search.

Mobile online commerce will also grow by 213% by 2017, reaching $ 3.2 trillion a year.

Meanwhile, despite a 52% defeat